Brit Puppy Milk 1kg
Brit care puppy milk super premium puppy milk complete nutrition for puppies from birth. Brit care puppy milk is an super-premium puppy milk developed for full-fledged nourishment for non-mother puppies, feeding litter puppies and supporting breast feeding in females. High-digestibility 98%. Does not contain lactose and casein = does not cause allergic reactions. It Contain the protein “lactoferrin”, which significantly improves the use of iron in the body, has antioxidant effects and strengths immunity. Balanced mineral content positively affects the construction of bones and teeth. The content of polypeptides, peptides and free amino acids promotes the development of muscle mass. Fine acidification and probiotic content positively affects the composition of the intestinal microflora and improves the digestion in the intestine. Zinc content has a beneficial effect on the development of hair and skin derivatives.
Protein 20%, fat 18% for full feeding of puppies from birth, for feeding large litters, for support of breastfeeding in females, for all breeds.
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